Smart Vision - Division BTL Hero

BTL removes any ‘intermediaries’ in your communication with the clients and it is an economic way of sending a message directly to a significant number of potential users, establishing a high-quality relationship with them and receiving a useful feedback, but it is at the same time a very powerful sales tool.

We also know how to overcome the basic problem in this, promotional field, which is – how to use the available tools in a subtle and moderate, and yet precise and effective way. We are able to send a precise message and to enable you to create a specific relationship of confidence and understanding with your clients, which means much more to them than the persistent and aggressive sales ATL messages. Some of the communications channels we are using:

  • Point-of-sale promotion
  • Creating a stand and promotional materials
  • Handing out flyers, samples and other promotional materials
  • Designing an exhibition space, special programs for salespersons in shopping centers
  • Providing our clients with all types of POS materials.